Thursday, November 29, 2007

Byfield info from Bob Haefner

All "Hord" names below are also found as Hoard

Sarah's Aunt Julia Ann Waldsmith Roseberry
Julia's daughter married Adam Hord (William, John)
so the grandchildren of Aunt Julia and I are connected

"Julia Hord (born 1865) ( of Electra Jane Roseberry and Adam Hord)
and Robert Carlyle Haefner are 2nd cousins 2 times removed. Their
common ancestors are John Hord and Rebecca Baxter."
(Can be verified with census)

I did have the Waldsmith and Roseberry names in my masterfile

Wesley Hord (of John Hord and Rebecca Baxter)
married Ida Byfield Sister to Albert, Charley, and Maria, Harriet
"Wesley Hord is the 2nd great grand uncle of Robert Carlyle Haefner.
Their common ancestors are John Hord and Rebecca Baxter."

Ida is the daughter of G. W. Byfield George Washington Byfield
She received the East 1/2 of the NE quarter of Section 11, T 4N, Range

7E in her father's will. (Your plat map later has, Maria Young and
Chris Young)

"A land patent was issued to George Byfield in 1819 in Scott County,
Indiana ("The Early History of Scott County, Indiana 1820-1870" by Carl

R. Bogardus, Sr., M.D., published by the Scott County Historical
Society, Pub. #2, 1970, p. 11 ).

Scott County Will Records, LDS FHL Microfilm #1305354: the will of
George Byfield was written and signed 1 June 1845 , witnessed by James
A. Keith, Cyrus Day, Christian Young and John Watson. In the will he
bequeaths real and personal estate to his wife Lana Byfield and his
children George Washinton Byfield (oldest son; his inheritance has
already been given to him), Harriet (Byfield) Griffith, Lewis Freeman
Byfield (2nd son), Maria, Ida, (Francis) Marion, and Charles (youngest
son). He also mentions a debt of $100 plus interest to be paid to
Horation Byfield (his brother). The will was presented to the Clerk of
the Probate Court, Willis Traylor, on 18 June 1845 by Cyrus Day,
Christian Young and John Watson."

You can see and search my master file here:
(15,824 names, and not one mistake . . .(more than one)) I do not put
sources or references on line...(increases contacts)

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